CoatingsPro Magazine

SEP 2015

CoatingsPro offers an in-depth look at coatings based on case studies, successful business operation, new products, industry news, and the safe and profitable use of coatings and equipment.

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COATINGSPRO SEPTEMBER 2015 37 risks with not setting one up — then and only then can a successful discus- sion about setting up a management program be held. Q: Is there a need for resources to help with coated asset manage- ment? If so, what are they? A: Yes. T he need is for more. A major resource that we have is education. We need to educate the asset ow ners and professiona l g roups that suppor t them. Once we have better educated the ow ners, they w i l l have a better understand ing of what needs to be done to protect their assets and how to manage their f unds for management. We need to continue with programs that NACE International and the Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC) have to ofer for training and certifcation of coatings profession- als and contractors. We need to have well-educated developers, specifers, engineers, and inspectors working with high-quality contractors and coating manufacturers to rehabilitate the owners' assets. Contractors and protective coating manufacturers are an all-important part of the equation, and we must work with them as a team to achieve the goal of the rehabilitation of assets and of extending the lives of assets. To develop a successful management program for assets with protective coatings, the developer must under- stand what it takes to design for corrosion, what a contractor must do to prepare surfaces and apply the coatings, what coatings to use and what coatings not to use, and how to evolve with an evolving industry. It's up to us as coatings professionals to fght the war against corrosion and to educate the asset owners in our industry. CP Robert Boswell st a r ted out i n t he t a n k i ndu st r y i n t he l ate '70s. Cu r rent ly, he eva lu- ates water t a n k s for re h abi l it at ion , prov ides s pec i a lt y ser v ices a nd suppor t for desig ns a nd s pec i f ic at ions for coat i ng s ystem s a long w it h st r uc t u ra l a nd sa fet y i mprovement s, a nd m a n ages projec t s t h roug h cont rac tor bidd i ng , cont rac tor se lec t ion , projec t const r uc t ion , a nd t he a n n iver- sa r y ph a ses of t he projec t s. Boswe l l i s a NACE L eve l I I I Coat i ngs I ns pec tor a nd h a s mu lt iple cer t i f ic at ions w it h t he A mer ic a n We ld i ng Soc iet y A mer ic a n Soc iet y for Non-Dest r uc t ive Test i ng. He i s a n u nder water SCU BA D ive Cont rol Spec i a l i st a nd a SCU BA D ive I nst r uc tor. For more i n for m a- t ion , cont ac t : R ober t Boswe l l , (512) 426-338 0, w w w.boswe l l sc t Inspector's Corner Digital Depth Micrometer measures and records peak to valley surface profile height D e Fe l s k o C o r p o r a t i o n Ogdensburg, New York USA +1-315-393-4450 t e c h s a l e @ d e f e l s k o . c o m 1-800-448-3835 PosiTector ® Surface Profile Two Measuring Solutions Replica Tape Reader Surface Profile Gage Wr i te in Re ad e r In q u ir y #34

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