CoatingsPro Magazine

JUL 2012

CoatingsPro offers an in-depth look at coatings based on case studies, successful business operation, new products, industry news, and the safe and profitable use of coatings and equipment.

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522),1*:$7(53522),1*,168/$7,21 Base Coat GlobalShield® is a manufacturer RI TXDOLW\ FRDWLQJV IRU WKH URRÀ QJ ZDWHUSURRÀ QJ DQG GDPS SURRÀ QJ LQGXVWULHV ABOVE "We used a wet diamond grinding process to cut the concrete, which limited the dust," Behunin explains. The hand-held grinders helped the crew access tight spaces. more cost-effective media than epoxy. However, with this project, time was a huge consideration. In fact, time truly was money. They simply could not afford to have the pet food processing line out of commission for the 28 days or more that it would take for the new concrete to cure. In the long run, it was more cost-effective for them to build up the floor using high-tech coatings. An unusual move, to say the least. "To create the slope," Behunin says, "we had to build the floor up to a thickness of 3" (7.62cm) in some places, tapering down to ¼" (0.64cm) at the drain. The ICO-Guard 51 is self-priming, so once the concrete was clean and prepped, we could start coating. We didn't have to wait for a prime coat to cure." Establishing a mixing stat ion, the crew warmed the International Coatings' ICO-Guard 51 epoxy to 85°F to 95°F (29°C to 35°C), and mixed the three-part epoxy in a mortar mixer. Then, using a screed box and armed with trowels, they began applying the resin-rich, 100% solids epoxy onto the floor, one ¼" (0.64cm) VENDOR TEAM BIOCHEM SYSTEMS Surface prep PO Box 8098 The Woodlands, TX 77387 (880) 777-7870 INGERSOLL RAND Surface prep equipment Write in Reader Inquiry #229 July 2012 J 45 Write in Reader Inquiry #310 INTERNATIONAL COATINGS INC. Coatings 2925 Lucy Lane Franklin Park, IL 60131 (800) 624-8919 FiberShield™ is the newest system in RXU OLQH DQG LV D UHYROXWLRQDU\ ZD\ WR UHVWRUH YLUWXDOO\ DQ\ W\SH RI H[LVWLQJ URRI FiberShield LV HDV\ WR LQVWDOO DQG FRPHV ZLWK D IXOO V\VWHP ZDUUDQW\ 7HUULWRULHV DUH DYDLODEOH IRU WKH ULJKW installers that want to make VERY HIGH PROFIT MARGINS DQG RIIHU VRPHWKLQJ WKH FRPSHWLWLRQ FDQQRW D IXOO\ UHLQIRUFHG ZDWHUSURRÀ QJ PHPEUDQH DW D FRVW EHORZ WKDW RI PRVW VLQJOH SO\ URRI V\VWHPV Contact 800-374-7663 or Write in Reader Inquiry #323 Top Coat

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