CoatingsPro Magazine

JAN 2017

CoatingsPro offers an in-depth look at coatings based on case studies, successful business operation, new products, industry news, and the safe and profitable use of coatings and equipment.

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COATINGSPRO JANUARY 2017 17 TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES Ladder Safety Streaming Video on Demand in English/Spanish Since its establishment in 2005, Atlantic Training (formerly know n as Compliance and Safety) has quick ly grow n to one of the top suppliers of employee training solutions. T he company ser vices a w ide range of industries, including workplace safety, healthcare, and education, offering a vast selection of videos and vendors to best meet each customer's individ- ual needs. Atlantic Training's Ladder Safety video program shows that because ladders are so common, many employ- ees take them for granted and don't take the appropriate precautions when using them. Ladders are one of the most commonly used pieces of equipment in almost any work environment. From common stepladders to sophisticated extension ladders, they can be found almost everywhere. e video is on demand and runs 13 minutes. Topics covered in this program include: • Ladder selection • Inspection before use • Setting up and moving ladders • Climbing on ladders • Ladder accidents e objective of Atlantic's Ladder Safety video program is to show that because they are so common, many employees take ladders for granted and don't take the appropriate precautions when using them. For more information, contact: Atlantic Training, (800) 975-7640, Reader Inquiry #4634 Aging Infrastructure, Risks, and Making Tough Decisions Since the constr uction of moder n str uctures, civ i l eng ineers have been assisting inf rastr ucture ow ners w ith planning , desig ning , constr ucting , and inspection of their assets using the methodolog ies that have been developed empir ica l ly. Most of these heur istic approaches are based on simplif ied assumptions. A s the inf rastr ucture, especia l ly the br idge inventor y, continues to age and becomes a more complicated system, its behav ior changes. In these cases, the trad itiona l methodolog ies prov ide a sig nif icant cha l lenge to br idge eng ineers, especia l ly dur ing inspec- tion, load rating , and overa l l safet y assessment of "ger iatr ic" br idges. Even though, in some cases, the cur rent conventiona l approaches have met the needs of the ow ners, there are an increasing number of situa- tions where they have been proved insuf f icient. In recent years, engineers and bridge owners have started to hire smart technologies and sensing techniques in planning, evaluation, and monitoring of their assets, which are mostly geriatric signature bridges that cannot be replaced or their replacement requires a few years during which the bridge has to remain in safe service. e American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) presents this on-demand webinar, which will primar- ily discuss: • Risks associated with infrastructure • When should we use technology in decision making? • Real-world examples, including short-span bridges, medium-span bridges, and long-span bridges e following learning outcomes have been established for webinar participants: • Know the challenges engineers face when dealing with aging bridges • Understand the technologies available for bridge engineers • Know the applications of technol- ogy in bridge engineering • Learn the benefits and shortcom- ings of finite element modeling of bridges • Become familiar with different types of sensors and simulation technologies • K now t he d i f ferent appl ic a- t ions for hea lt h mon itor i ng of br idges Webinar attendees shou ld be able to better understand the r isks associ- ated w ith the ag ing inf rastr ucture in the United States, become more fami liar w ith the state- of-the-ar t in technolog y applications in civ i l eng ineer ing , f ind out when using technolog y in decision ma k ing ma kes sense, f ind out the latest in modeling of br idges, deter mine more accurate load-car r y ing capacit y of br idges through application of technolog y, aug ment in-depth inspections w ith more accurate cond ition eva luation and load ratings using advanced technolog ies, and lear n when to apply hea lth monitor ing systems for br idges. For more information, contact: ASCE, (800) 548-2723, CP Reader Inquiry #4635 News From Around the Coatings Industry

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