CoatingsPro Magazine

SEP 2015

CoatingsPro offers an in-depth look at coatings based on case studies, successful business operation, new products, industry news, and the safe and profitable use of coatings and equipment.

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28 SEPTEMBER 2015 COATINGSPROMAG.COM A company Facebook page can act as a modern approach to the company bulletin board or even company newsletter. for our clients. First of a l l, it 's ver y d if f icu lt to g row a fol low ing , especia l ly f rom a company account. It ta kes a lot of ef for t and man hours. T hose things cost money. A nd unless those hours are contr ibuting to the bottom line, to me, that 's a bad spend of marketing dol lars. Now, if you have an employee who is a Tw itter af icionado and engages a large fol low ing reg u larly, by a l l means, encourage him or her to t weet away. But if you're star ting a company account f rom scratch, be prepared for a lot of bui ld ing timeā€¦ and more than likely litt le retur n. Second, AdWeek repor ted that Tw itter c lick-through rates are of ten somewhere bet ween 0.5 percent and 1.5 percent. A nd that 's if someone sees your t weet in the f irst place. So again, I can't help but ask: A s a B2B industr ia l marketer, is this activ- it y wor th your time? I don't doubt the power of Tw itter in ter ms of over throw ing lousy gover nments and spread ing impor tant messages v ira l ly. But when it comes to your industr ia l message, is this the place your target buyer is hang ing out? Instagram I don't have a lot of ex per ience using Instag ram as a marketing tool, and that 's because for our c lients at Gor i l la 76, it 's never rea l ly a lig ned w ith the people we're targeting or the goa ls we're tr y ing to achieve w ith our marketing. T hat said, persona l ly Instag ram is probably my favor- ite socia l med ia channel in which to par ticipate. Now, eva lu at ing f rom a revenue - generat ing perspect ive, it 's going to be tough to sel l me on Instag ra m. Lin k s (e xc lud ing t he one you ca n put in your prof i le) a ren't c l ic k able, a nd fol low ings a re rel at ively d if f ic u lt to bu i ld. So whi le you probably have more t ha n your fa ir sha re of cool photos to post, is a nyone watc hing if you do? A nd if t hey a re watc hing , don't e x pect c l ic k- t hroughs to your site. (A s I prev iously ment ioned, l in k s a ren't c l ic k able, a nd if you ca n't measure c l ic k-t hroughs, you ca n't measure if your "ads sel l st uf f." ) T h at sa id , I person a l ly f i nd a lot of enjoy ment on Inst ag ra m a nd feel l i ke i f you h ave t he c apac it y to u se it reg u l a rly, a st rateg y cou ld be put i n pl ace to g row bra nd awa reness. I t h i n k i f u sed properly, f ield pa r t ic- ipat ion cou ld m a ke t h is one of t he more i nterest i ng ways to sh a re you r bra nd stor y. B ei ng a rel at ively you ng soc i a l c h a nnel, I 'm i nterested to see how bra nd s evolve t hei r u se of Inst ag ra m. Your Thoughts T hese are just four of the big ger socia l med ia players out there. T here's a lso YouTube, Tumblr, and Snapchat, and even that merely scratches the sur face. T he above are simply my thoughts on the state of social media. W hat are yours? W hat do you see working? W hat's not working for you? T his is social, so ever y voice counts. CP Jon Franko is t hin ker and par t ner at St. Lou is, Missour i-based Gor i l la 76. Gor i l la 76 is a B2B indust r ia l market ing agenc y. For more infor ma- t ion, contact: Jon Fran ko, jon@gor i l, htt ps://t w /jonf ran ko Marketing Savvy

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